Puddleducks Pre-school provides an environment in which all children are included, valued and supported to reach their potential, regardless of religion, social or economic background, gender, disability, ability or ethnicity. We uphold and teach pupils about British Values and have a broadly Christian ethos, with regular visits from the Harnham Churches Association.
We promote equality within the Pre-school community and recognise the vital role played by educational settings in safeguarding young people from discrimination and radicalisation. This role is supported by robust safeguarding procedures.
Special Educational Needs (SEN)
At Puddleducks Pre-School we recognise the diverse needs of all children. Our admissions policy and aims ensure equality of access and opportunity for all. ‘SEN’ refers to children who have educational, physical or emotional needs that necessitate a provision which is in addition to and different from other children. This includes children with learning difficulties and/or disabilities.
A member of staff is appointed Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) to champion children with SEN at every stage. The SENCo oversees the identification of SEN and referral to external agencies, liaison with parents, key workers and other healthcare and education professionals and maintains efficient records in preparation for transition. Training is provided to fulfil this role. Our SENCo is currently Julie.
Partnership with External Agencies
We work in partnership with other agencies such as the Local Authority Early Years Portage and Special Educational Needs Services, Educational Psychology, Community Health teams (which includes Paediatricians and Health Visitors) Social Services, Occupational therapists, Play therapists and Speech therapists in meeting individual children’s needs.
When children transfer to other settings, we provide handover information to the new setting. Many of our children go on to attend Harnham Infant School, which is on the same site. Regular meetings between the Pre-School Manager and the Head of Early Years at the school are held to assist transition. Where children are identified as having a SEN, transition meetings with the Infant School SENCo are held specifically to provide for a smoother transition in support and external agency liaison. Where children with SEN transfer to other settings, the SENCo of the new setting will be contacted to provide all necessary information and documentation.
Our qualified team include staff specifically trained in SEN. We ensure that in addition to the Pre-school Manager there is a Qualified SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) working directly with the children.
Our setting is wheelchair accessible and there is an accessible toilet with handrails and changing facilities. The pre-school building is on one floor and there are ramps at both entrances.
For more information on our SEN provision, please contact the Pre-School.